The messages launched by companies no longer fit as before because the abundance of information leads to poverty of attention. An economy of attention is required that, in addition to communicating, focuses the message.

At Imbexa we are a digital native agency with a global vision. Thanks to our mastery of technology, creativity and communication, we address different audiences in a personalized way.



Digital marketing is the application of marketing strategies carried out in digital media. In Imbexa we are specialists in imitating the techniques of the offline world and taking them to the new world of social networks using the tools and applications that arise every day and measuring the results in a real way for each of the strategies used.


We create campaigns for the promotion of products or services based on non-massive communication actions directed at specific segments and we use programmatics to measure and improve results.
Our purpose is to attract quality customers who are interested in acquiring your product or service and generate leads that turn into sales.
We analyze your business and identify the most effective platform, Google, Displays, Banners, Maps, Amazon, Spotify, Youtube, Facebook, Linkedin, Instagram, Appstore, Twitter …


It is not about got visits, is about got sales, therefore you have to create an effective strategy based on a target campaign with the audience of your company and after that a constant and effective commercial strategy.
It is very simple, we are going to create an automatic funnel process that we will improve every month to make it more effective and faster, which consists of attracting customers, interacting with them and analyzing how they interact with the company until they become customers.
Attract > Interact > Sells > Analyze > Do it Better

What do companies really look for? Increase revenues and generate business.

In this sense, the Content Marketing methodology developed by Imbexa is not about likes, platforms, or being online. It is a comprehensive strategy that creates and distributes valuable and relevant content to attract, acquire and retain a specific audience in order to generate profits for our business.